Back in January I took a photography class with Faith at Simplicity, I learned how to shoot in manual and decided I wanted to keep learning. So,I decided to {365} in February. I had a few basic goals. I wanted to use my camera every day, I wanted to learn more about my camera, and I wanted to learn more about photography. Well, 107 days later, I feel like for the most part, I am staying true to my goal. Don't get me wrong, some days, my {365} is just a check in the box, but most of the time I learn something. I will say sometimes I learn on accident, like the time I set my camera in RAW by mistake, or the time I had my metering button set to overexpose no matter what my settings were. Yes, I have learned a lot by mistake, but I keep going. For me two of the most challenging things to photograph are "water" and "night", the settings end up being different than what I thought they should be and that makes these shots a challenge for me. So here is a little of what I have learned, for many of you this is basic, if not here is some info!


Settings: ISO 400, aperture f/8, shutter 1/100, flash on.
I followed the directions from Karli over at The Bonnie Five, you can see her tutorial HERE. If I had to do it again I would decrease my ISO, ideally I would own a different flash:) If you every have the chance this was a really fun shot to work on and really helped my to learn the relation of my settings. I took this shot back on day I posted day 107!
Settings: ISO 400, aperture f/8, shutter 1/100, flash on.
I followed the directions from Karli over at The Bonnie Five, you can see her tutorial HERE. If I had to do it again I would decrease my ISO, ideally I would own a different flash:) If you every have the chance this was a really fun shot to work on and really helped my to learn the relation of my settings. I took this shot back on day I posted day 107!
{Click it up a Notch}
Settings: ISO -100, shutter 1/60, aperture f/14, light source tungsten
I have always been intrigued by pictures of the moon, usually my shots look like white puff balls! Finally the other night I looked up how to shoot the moon, so to speak. HERE is what I found. I can't wait until next month when the moon is full to try this again, actually I would just settle for a clear night and whatever the moon has to offer.
One other note, one of my favorite places for photography information is Cambridge in Colour, stop by and visit, there is a wealth of information and beautiful pictures. Well there you have it, why I {365}. Thanks for reading!
Settings: ISO -100, shutter 1/60, aperture f/14, light source tungsten
I have always been intrigued by pictures of the moon, usually my shots look like white puff balls! Finally the other night I looked up how to shoot the moon, so to speak. HERE is what I found. I can't wait until next month when the moon is full to try this again, actually I would just settle for a clear night and whatever the moon has to offer.
One other note, one of my favorite places for photography information is Cambridge in Colour, stop by and visit, there is a wealth of information and beautiful pictures. Well there you have it, why I {365}. Thanks for reading!

Both of these photos are amazing! Way to go capturing the moon. I have yet to try but when I'm ready, I'm definitely returning to the material you shared. Thank you.
I love both. Your work is getting better and better, nicely done.
Really I agree, I love both, and thank you for sharing where you learned the art of your shots. A new flash is my next purchase, I swear I would take the one that came on my Canon and chuck it if I could.
Nice work!! I actually got my first moon shots recently too, I was really surprised how well they came out! I really want to try that water shot :)
I learn a lot by mistake to :) Those are some nice shots. I especially like the water shot. I'm going to check out that tutorial. Thanks for sharing.
Great photos, I love how your captured the bubbles.
Wow! What awesome photos! The water hanging on that orange is just incredible!
How did you capture the bubbles is amazing. very beautiful! (via Lem Photo Challenge)
I love the first shot. That is so neat!
Both shots are stunning! The orange could be an ad for soda! Great job! I'll be checking out those tips on photographing the moon...I always have the blurry blob problem, too! Thanks!
Really beautiful shots! I need to get back on the horse and do my 365. I think it would be such a great learning experience. I don't pick up my 7D near often enough.
You have definitely rocked both night and water - keep up the great work!
i love the water on the orange. i’m trying to learn to be a better photographer too. {although, i’m sure it’s always a learning process!}
Gorgeous, I love the water shot!
Beautiful work Tiffany- you already took gorgeous shots but wow- these are amazing. I usually shoot the moon with different settings- I will have to give those a try & see if I can get them to come out any better. I am always trying to perfect that. It's a quest for me.
The bubbles are always fun. I love the blue pop against the orange. I must give that a go sometime.
Gorgeous orange & bubbles shot! GREAT capture :)
I am in the market for a new camera- trying to decide between a Nikon and a Canon SLR and having a terrible time making up my mind- new to SLR's but really want to work on my photography skills. Currently have a Canon and LOVE certain things about it.. weigh in with you opinions!
Thanks Tiffany!
Gorgeous shots, love the moon and I love the orange!
Beautiful photos! Both of them! The orange especially, love that sharp focus. Beautiful! And thank you for sharing the steps, very helpful for wannabe's like me! :)
Your orange shot is incredible! I did one similar with a lemon but I love the contrasting colors and clarity so much better. I see you like contests. I've got one going on at my blog called Favorite Photo of the Week. Feel free to join in if you like.
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