My little blue chair had a rough Winter, we all did. It was well into January before we had our first big snow and then it never seemed to stop. Snow and rain, rain and snow, gray and cold, however, I think there is a light at the end of the tunnel. There are finally buds on my trees and a few flowers peeking out in the yard, I can't wait for warmer days! My chair, however, well, I don't think she is going to make it. She has been in a lot of my posts, but leaving her outside all Winter long wore her down. I will say, however, on the snowy gray days she did brighten my back yard view....
Speaking of back yards this one is going to be a bit of a challenge. You may remember me saying I would have a ton of weeding to do and that is true, however, we have lots of critters! We have deer, raccoon, squirrels, possum, rabbits, and coyote. I planted some of my favorites a few weeks back, hydrangea, lilacs, and peonies, only to have them eaten by the deer. UGH! Speaking of yard work, I am going to put the people to work this weekend. I have twenty yards of mulch being delivered today, watch out boys I am putting you to work!
This weekend also starts a week of parties, birthdays and Prom. Max turns 13 on Sunday, Kendall turns 3 on Tuesday, and TJ attends his first Prom on Friday. What a week! Did I mention we kick it off tonight with 17 thirteen year old kiddos coming to a cook out. We finish out the week with a family party for the Birthday duo. Wish me luck folks, its gonna be a long week.
Hope you have a great weekend full of Spring! Thanks for the visit.
I love that blue chair! Maybe it will hold on for a bit longer.
I'm right there with you on the back yard, if it isn't the deer it's those rascally rabbits!
Good luck on your birthday week, I'm in that mode too. I just need a break...a nice long weekend to mulch would be heaven right now.
wow! sounds like a busy and emotional weekend!! First prom! i'm only a few short years behind you with my oldest!
love the photos of your blue chair!! the different perspectives are great!
I'd love an old blue chair like that!
I'm drooling over the chairs. A great photo prop!
Oh boy, it sounds like you have a full week ahead of you! Our big plans for the weekend include cleaning the garage. It seriously looks like it could be an episode on
I love that chair! Are you sure you can't save it? :)
It sounds like you will have a glorious week ahead!! Any reason to gather with friends and family is STELLAR to me. Your chair is awesome by the way;)
Hope everything went well and that you had a great time with all your activities!
Happy Birthdays to Max and Kendall and late wishes to June. Can't believe I forgot to wish her a happy day. Having seen all her party pics, it looks like fun was had by all!
Hugs from SC Ken and June!!
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