Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Monarch Dialogues

We went to Iowa this past weekend to visit Russ's parents. We had a short but sweet visit. While we were there we visited the arboretum where both of Russ's parents volunteer. Russ's Mom helps each summer with the Monarch butterflies and today we received a behind the scenes tour....after some pictures of course!


Thanks to the 12 year old for the "bunny" ears!


....and now for the Monarchs. We have done this at home a few years at home but nothing like this, it was amazing. We showed up at just the right time. We were able to see one Monarch hatch as one was forming it's cocoon.








This is only one tank of many.....truly an amazing set up! We learned some very interesting facts. The most fascinating thing that I learned was that when the Monarchs hatch their wings are very small, you will notice in the first picture. With in about 15 minutes of hatching they grow to their regular size, you can see how they transform in the pictures.....these creatures are surely one of God's miracles.

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1 comment:

Aimee said...

My husband and I are HUGE butterfly lovers and we delight in watching them on our butterfly bushes..
So... do you order the monarchs to feed and hatch? Let me know order info, etc... I'm very interested!