Sunday, June 13, 2010


I am my favorite enchiladas from The Pioneer Woman, blogging, figuring out how to use a pump, and figuring out how I am going to coordinate the first week of camps for the summer. Where is Alice from The Brady Bunch when you need her! Below is a picture from the 8th grade dance.....unedited because I do not have time to edit everything anymore:) TJ had a great time with his friends and as each day passes he is one day closer to High School.
Russ took some great shots of TJ at a soccer game last week, below you will find the highlights!

Kendall is doing great, she sleeps about 5 hours the first part of the night and about 3 hours after a feeding...that gives me about 4-5 hours of sleep (I like 8:) She is still a little fussy in the evening and likes to be held but overall we are doing good!

In two weeks I will go back to work on Sundays, I will work two Sundays a month. Russ will have the crowd all to himself for 8 hours. I know he will do great.....hopefully the kids will cooperate. I am the one who is going to have a hard time.

There is a quick update......maybe next time it will not take me two weeks!post signature

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