Sunday, July 12, 2009

A week in review.....

I am beginning to get used to each week around here being a whirlwind. I find myself thinking quite often how fast the kids are growing and also wondering how fast until the end of the day so I can rest. Somewhere in between is "Nirvana" and I think every stay at home mom would love to find the balance, at least that is what I tell myself so I don't feel so bad......It took me almost 4 days to unpack and get the house organized from our trip to the cabin and as soon as I felt organized it was time to start over and get ready to head to Iowa to see Russ's parents. A long overdue trip that we were all looking forward to. We all headed out on Friday afternoon, Russ, June and I came home this afternoon and the boys are enjoying some "three on two" time with Grammie and Grandpa. Grammie and I will meet half way on Wednesday and make the exchange:) We had a great weekend and I know the boys will enjoy their time in Iowa. Max even asked if he could live in Iowa when he grows up. Saturday we went to the Discovery Center (children's museum), the boys went to the pool, and we finished off the day at the arboretum. Russ and I also celebrated our 17th Wedding Anniversary on Saturday!

Russ, June, and I on our anniversary.....Jake took the picture!

Grammie, Jake, and, June

Russ and June

Jake, June, and the cat....we are all cat lovers around here....June was more interested in the cat than the gardens. Lucky for June the cat liked us and followed us for a good part of our visit.


The Discovery for all!
Two words...Kentucky Coffee! Russ and I fell in love with the tree on the left, it is a beautiful Kentucky Coffee tree at the arboretum we visit in Iowa. When we started planting trees in our yard we had to have one(ours is on the right).....we have a long, long, long, long, way to go!
We are looking forward to a good week. How could it be bad.....only 5 days until of my favorite nights of the year!
Have a Great Week!

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