Well it was definitely a busy week around here! In addition to the basement clean up (which is coming along well), we had some landscaping done in the front yard, and worked in the garden. Last year I did not enjoy my garden due to the huge number of weeds that enjoyed my hospitality! No more...I am taking control from the get go this year. Russ tilled and then I covered the parts of the garden I could with landscape cloth. I also, for the first time used "Preen" for gardens on the gravel paths around the beds. I was able to plant potatoes and carrots before the rain set in. I hope during the warmer weather at the end of the week I will be able to get the lettuce, bk choy, and napa cabbage planted. It will be an interesting garden year for me because I am switching up how, when, and what I plant....wish me luck!
June also worked on her table manners this weekend, she is getting really good at eating her dinner with her feet! Just kidding:) However, she does like to put her feet on the table while she is eating and like any good brother would, TJ took the opportunity to put a fork in between June's toes. Everyone had a good laugh, especially June....glad the camera was handy. June is also talking more (about food). Saturday for breakfast Russ made pancakes, while June watched she said, "Pancakes, I like pancakes!". We all looked at her in amazement and made sure she had the first plateful!
In addition to all the extras this week the boys had all their activities and I played "bunco" on Wednesday and visited with friends on Thursday...it was a full week for all of us. Did I mention I won at "bunco", well I did. I fear my friends might kick me out I have won at least one prize every month this year, some months two prizes, can't wait to see what happens next month! Hope everyone has a great week....we are looking forward to 80 degrees here on Friday....I hope the weather woman is correct....happy day!
Looks like you had a good week and love the picture of June's feet. Hope you get the warm weather this week1
what an adorable picture
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