Sunday, March 15, 2009

A week in review...

Sunday night again. Our week went by quickly as usual. Monday started with soccer. TJ's team has made it to the finals, he plays his final game tomorrow. If they win they take first, if they loose, third. TJ also found out that his FPS(future problem solvers) team made it to state! The other two boys are enjoying some down time, I don't think they will be playing any team sports this spring, maybe some golf.

June had her 2yr old physical on Monday and is doing great. She was in the 75th percentile on height, weight, HC, on the standard American chart. When I got home I pulled up the growth chart for Chinese girls.....100% (her head was actually off the chart). She was a real trooper, one shot, and two finger pricks with no tears or breath holding.....YEAH!

The other news for the week you know about....I am happy to say I have recovered from my "Dave" trauma and am looking forward to the concert. Russ is a trooper to put up with my DMB obsession:)

Tonight after work I met Russ and the kids at church. We have a family mission all week and the first night was wonderful. I hope we are able to make to a few more. Father Barret spoke on The Apostolate for Family Consecration and it was well worth the time. However, June was a little squirrelly by the end! Have a great week!

.....and now, it is time for ice cream.......

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I am glad you enjoyed Father Barrets talk. I know he is going to talk about China one night, not sure which on. Thanks for putting the link up for the Apostolate. We have been 3 times. It is the best place in the world, the kids love Family Fest. Don't worry about June being squirmy, Father Kevin loves kids and at family land their are kids moving all over the place during Mass, they want and love the children to be there.